Our Story


Privately owned and operated by disabled humans who are proudly owned and operated by their rescued pets!

Fun and practical products made to suit your lifestyle with a variety of options available for home, school, business, and group needs. Human and pet apparel, decals, signs, handmade soaps, candles, decor and ceramics designed for your home, garden, travel and more. Whether traveling in your RV, camper, skoolie or at home our products will help you showcase your family’s personality, as well as provide convenience and safety with your pets in mind wherever you happen to be.

Newly created or themed items added monthly so check back often!


Even when they’re less than thrilled, our pets always bring joy to our lives! We owe it to them to bring to joy and comfort to theirs as well.


At 50 years old, life has provided a variety of opportunities and challenges in a wide range of fields. Customer Service, marketing, veterinary and human care, art and design, and a handful of other ‘careers’ round out this history. This business has all come together with one passion that has never faded since the beginning of my time on earth, and that is pets.

Early in life I began having a number of health issues. I enjoyed periods of remission throughout, but ultimately, 6 years ago, I finally succumbed to the reality that I was not going to be able to live a “normal” life. Having spent more time than ever trying to make my home my haven and the campground being my main get away, I realized, no matter where we are, our pets are there, and we make wherever we are feel like home.

Having things that make life safer, more convenient, and quite frankly, just plain more fun wherever you are, is imperative to making your space, your home! Through this, that is how Dabblers in Design was born. My goal is to provide items that can not only be for just your group, family, or selves, but that can be combined to provide a world of practical fun for any lifestyle, and always keep your pets in mind and included. Even if you don’t have your own pets, keeping the critters in nature happy, healthy and well fed is always a joy as well, and we thought of them too!

While some of our items are directly from the manufacturer, we take special care and time with all custom and hand made orders to ensure that they are exactly what you need to bring all of your needs together.